The video’s visual style, devoid of color, intensifies the feeling of desolation, presenting a seemingly hopeless stage, in which each frame is an exploration of the deepest human emotions. Shimabukuro has managed to capture and translate into images the intensity of the subject, achieving a video clip that speaks of love and loss with a minimalist and suggestive aesthetic.
Created and directed by Hiromi Shimabukuro
Cinematographer Miguel Valencia
Production designer and art director Eduardo Camino
Executive producer Silvia Kamisato
Director Assistant Felipe García
Editor Gino Moreno
Visual effects and colorist Wawin
Producer Hiromi Shimabukuro, Silvia Kamisato, Eduardo Camino, Universidad de Lima
Production Manager ¨Los Javieres ¨ Javier Mendieta, Javier Uriarte
Production assistant Juan Carlos Salcedo
Production Coordinators Meche Berrospi
Wardrobe producer Claudia Mansilla
Make up artist Paola Queirolo
Make up assistant Silvia Melgarejo
Ken Nobaru, Diego Díaz, Pedro Donofrio, Enver Gonzales
Gaffer Aldo Gutti / Kike Apéstegui
Camera assistant César Vallejos, Renzo Cruz
Second camera assistant Josué Bedoya / Arturo Rabaroza
Video assit Monsterlink
Data Giancarlo Segovia
Lighting technician
Luis Soria, Luis Seminario, Alejandro Caro, Jesús Gallegos, Orlando Quintanilla, Israel Elías, Augusto Soriano, Virna Cueva.
Rental Atómica
Rafael Mc Kay, Karen Pellet , Luigi Garzón.
Constructor Julio Vásquez, Samir Soraluz
Technical Producer Mario Ruiz
Prop Masters
Daniel Cipriano, Toño Vera, Billy Joel Peña
Special Thanks:
Napo Quintana
Ramón Velarde
Jorge Venegas
Municipalidad de Carabayllo
Author & composer Jorge ¨Pelo¨Madueño.